Welcome to PLUME-MoM.

PLUME-MoM is a FORTRAN90 code designed to solve the equations for a steady-state integral volcanic plume model, describing the rise in the atmosphere of a mixture of gas and volcanic ash during an eruption. The system of equation is based of that presented in Barsotti et al. 2008, i.e. the equations we formulate describe the same conservation principles (conservation of mass, momentum and energy). In this model, instead of assuming a finite number of particle sizes, a continuous distribution of particles size is considered and the mothod of moments (Marchisio and Fox, 2013) is adopted to track the moments of the particle size distribution along the eruptive column.

Authors and Contributors

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi (@demichie)


Doxygen generated documentation can be found at http://demichie.github.io/PLUME-MoM/html/


M. de’ Michieli Vitturi, A. Neri and S. Barsotti. PLUME-MoM 1.0: a new 1-D model of volcanic plumes based on the method of moments, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2447–2463, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2447-2015, 2015.