Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
solver_rise.f90 File Reference

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module  solver_module
 Solver module.


subroutine solver_module::allocate_matrix
 Solver variables allocation. More...
subroutine solver_module::rate
 Compute the right-hand side of the equations. More...
subroutine solver_module::aggr_rate
 Compute the right-hand side of the equations. More...
subroutine solver_module::lump (f_)
 Calculate the lumped variables. More...
subroutine solver_module::marching (fold, fnew, rate)
 Marching s one step. More...
subroutine solver_module::unlump (f_)
 Calculate physical variables from lumped variables. More...


real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::rhs1
 Right-Hand Side (rhs1) terms without aggregation. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::rhs2
 Right-Hand Side (rhs2) aggregation terms only. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::rhstemp
 Right-Hand Side (rhs) More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::rhs
 Right-Hand Side (rhs) More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::ftemp
 Integrated variables. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::f
 Integrated variables. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::f_stepold
 Integrated variables. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solver_module::volcgas_rate
 Rate of change of volcanic gases. More...
integer solver_module::itotal
 Total number of equations. More...
real(wp) solver_module::dz
 Integration step. More...
real(wp) solver_module::dz0
 Initial integration step. More...