62 pi = 4.d0 * datan(1.d0)
151 OPEN( unit=10, file=
'DataRadius.txt' )
169 REAL*8,
INTENT(IN) :: zeta
170 REAL*8 :: coeff_interp
177 IF (
z_stag(j) < zeta ) z_idx = j
real *8 dz
Control volumes size.
real *8 radius_max
Fixed value of the maximum radius (used in non cylindrical conduits)
integer comp_cells
Number of control volumes in the computational domain.
subroutine update_radius(zeta)
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable z_stag
Location of the boundaries of the control volumes of the domain.
real *8 z0
Left (bottom) of the physical domain.
real *8 radius_fixed
Fixed value of the radius.
real *8 radius_z_sig
Characteristic sigma for radius model trans1 and trans2.
real *8 radius
Effective radius.
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable radius_stag
Radius at the boundaries of the control volumes of the domain.
real *8 zeta_exit
Right (top) of the physical domain.
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable z_comp
Location of the centers of the control volume of the domain.
integer comp_interfaces
Number of interfaces (comp_cells+1)
real *8 zn
Right (top) of the physical domain.
character *30 radius_model
geometry model
subroutine init_grid
Finite volume grid initialization.
real *8 radius_z
Characteristic depth for radius models trans1 and trans2.
real *8 radius_min
Fixed value of the minimum radius (used in non cylindrical conduits)