MAMMA  1.0
Functions/Subroutines | Variables
constitutive Module Reference

Constitutive equations. More...


subroutine initialize_models
subroutine allocate_phases_parameters
 Initialization of relaxation flags. More...
subroutine eos
 Equation of state. More...
subroutine sound_speeds (C_mix, mach)
 Local sound speeds. More...
subroutine eval_densities
 Phases densities. More...
subroutine solve_cubic (a, b, c, y1, y2, y3)
 Solution of a cubic. More...
subroutine f_xdis_eq
 Equilibrium Dissolved gas. More...
subroutine f_beta_eq
 Equilibrium Crystal content. More...
subroutine f_growth_rate
 This subroutine compute the growth rates for the different crystal phases. More...
subroutine f_nucleation_rate
 Lithostatic pressure. More...
subroutine lithostatic_pressure
 Lithostatic pressure. More...
subroutine hydrostatic_pressure
 Hydrostatic pressure. More...
subroutine press_relax_term (pressure_relaxation)
 Pressure relaxation term. More...
subroutine vel_relax_term (velocity_relaxation)
 Velocity relaxation term. More...
subroutine f_permkc
 Magma permeability. More...
subroutine mixture_viscosity
 Mixture viscosity. More...
subroutine f_viscliq
 Magma viscosity. More...
subroutine f_viscmelt
 Melt viscosity. More...
subroutine f_theta
 Crystal relative viscosity. More...
subroutine f_bubbles
 Exsolved gas relative viscosity. More...
subroutine f_alfa (xtot, xmax, r_beta, r_rho_md, r_rho_2, r_alfa_2)
 Bottom exsolved gas. More...
subroutine f_alfa3 (r_p_2, xtot, r_beta, r_rho_md, r_rho_g, r_alfa_g)
 Bottom exsolved gas. More...


real *8 cv_2
 exsolved gas specific heat capacity at constant volume More...
real *8 cv_m
 melt specific heat capacity at constant volume More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable cv_c
 crystals specific heat capacity at constant volume More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable cv_d
 dissolved gas heat capacity at constant volume More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable cv_g
 exsolved gas heat capacity at constant volume More...
real *8 c0_m
 melt sound speed at atmospheric conditions More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable c0_c
 crystals sound speed at atm conditions More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable c0_d
 dissolved gas sound speed at atm conditions More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable c0_g
 exsolved gas sound speed at atm conditions More...
real *8 gamma_2
 exsolved gas adiabatic exponent More...
real *8 gamma_m
 melt adiabatic exponent More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable gamma_c
 crystals adiabatic exponent More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable gamma_d
 dissolved gas adiabatic exponent More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable gamma_g
 exsolved gas adiabatic exponent More...
real *8 rho0_2
 exsolved gas reference density More...
real *8 rho0_m
 melt reference density More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable rho0_c
 crystals reference density More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable rho0_d
 dissolved gas reference density More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable rho0_g
 exsolved gas reference density More...
real *8 t0_2
 exsolved gas reference temperature More...
real *8 t0_m
 melt reference temperature More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable t0_c
 crystals gas reference temperature More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable t0_d
 dissolved gas reference temperature More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable t0_g
 exsolved gas reference temperature More...
real *8 p0_m
 melt reference pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable p0_c
 crystals reference pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable p0_d
 dissolved gas reference pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable p0_g
 exsolved gas reference pressure More...
real *8 bar_e_2
 exsolved gas formation energy More...
real *8 bar_e_m
 melt formation energy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_e_c
 crystals formation energy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_e_d
 dissolved gas formation energy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_e_g
 exsolved gas formation energy More...
real *8 bar_p_m
 melt cohesion pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_p_c
 crystals cohesion pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_p_d
 dissolved gas cohesion pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable bar_p_g
 exsolved gas cohesion pressure More...
real *8 s0_m
 melt reference entropy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable s0_c
 crystals reference entropy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable s0_d
 dissolved gas reference entropy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable s0_g
 exsolved gas reference entropy More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable pc_g
 critical gas pressure More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable tc_g
 critical gas temperature More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable a_g
 parameter for the VDW EOS More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable b_g
 parameter for the VDW EOS More...
character *20 gas_law
 equation of state for gas
complex *16 cv_1
 dis.gas+melt+crystals specific heat capacity at constant volume More...
complex *16 e_mix
 total internal energy More...
complex *16 e_1
 local specific internal energy of the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16 e_2
 local specific internal energy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 e_m
 local specific internal energy of the melt More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable e_c
 local specific internal energy of the crystals More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable e_d
 local specific internal energy of the dissolved gas More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable e_g
 local specific internal energy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 p_1
 local pressure of the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16 p_2
 local pressure of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 s_1
 local specific entropy of the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16 s_2
 local specific entropy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 s_m
 local specific entropy of the melt More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable s_c
 local specific entropy of the crystals More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable s_d
 local specific entropy of the dissolved gas More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable s_g
 local specific entropy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 mu_1
 free Gibbs energy of the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16 mu_2
 free Gibbs energy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 mu_m
 free Gibbs energy of the melt More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable mu_c
 free Gibbs energy of the crystals More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable mu_d
 free Gibbs energy of the dissolved gas More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable mu_g
 free Gibbs energy of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 rho_1
 dis_gas+melt+crystals phase local density More...
complex *16 rho_2
 exsolved gas local density More...
complex *16 rho_m
 melt local density More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable rho_c
 crystals local density More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable rho_d
 dissolved gas local density More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable rho_g
 exsolved gas local density More...
complex *16 rho_md
 dis_gas+melt local density More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable rhob_c
 crystals bulk density More...
complex *16 rhob_m
 melt bulk density More...
complex *16 alfa_1
 dis_gas+melt+crystals phase local volume fraction More...
complex *16 alfa_2
 total exsolved gas local volume fraction More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable alfa_g
 exsolved gas phases local volume fraction More...
complex *16 alfarho_2
 bulk density of the exsolved gas More...
complex *16 alfa_m_1
 melt volume fraction in phase 1 More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable alfa_d_1
 dissolved gas volume fractions in phase 1 More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable alfa_g_2
 exsolved gas volume fractions in phase 2 More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable beta
 crystal volume fraction in the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable beta_eq
 equil. cry. volume fraction in the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16, dimension(:,:), allocatable mom_cry
 moments of the crystal referred to the melt-crystals phase More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable growth_rate
 growth rate for the crystals More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable nucleation_rate
 nulceation rate for the crystals More...
complex *16 u_1
 melt-crystals phase local velocity More...
complex *16 u_2
 exsolved gas local velocity More...
complex *16 x_1
 melt-crystals phase local mass fraction More...
complex *16 x_2
 exsolved gas local mass fraction More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_c
 crystals mass fraction (with respect to the mixture) More...
complex *16 x_m
 melt mass fraction (with respect to the mixture) More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_d
 dissolved gas mass fraction (with respect to the mixture) More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_g
 exsolved gas mass fraction (with respect to the mixture) More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_d_md
 dissolved gas mass fraction in the melt+dis.gas phase More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_d_md_eq
 equil. dis. gas mass fraction in the melt+dis.gas phase More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_c_1
 cristal mass fractions in phase 1 More...
complex *16 x_m_1
 melt mass fraction in phase 1 More...
complex *16 x_md_1
 melt+dis.gas mass fraction in phase 1 More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_d_1
 dissolved gas mass fractions in phase 1 More...
complex *16, dimension(:), allocatable x_g_2
 exsolved gas mass fractions in phase 2 More...
complex *16 t
 mixture local temperature More...
complex *16 rho_mix
 mixture local density More...
complex *16 u_mix
 mixture velocity More...
complex *16 cv_mix
 mixture specific heat capacity at constant volume More...
complex *16 visc_mix
 mixture viscosity More...
complex *16 s
 mixture entropy More...
complex *16 c_1
 first phase local sound speed More...
complex *16 c_2
 second phase local sound speed More...
integer n_drag_models
character(len=30), dimension(20) available_drag_models
character *30 drag_funct_model
 drag function model
complex *16 drag_funct
 drag function for the relative velocity:
real *8 drag_funct_coeff
 coefficient for the drag function for the relative velocity:
real *8 bubble_number_density
 bubble number density More...
real *8 log10_bubble_number_density
real *8 tortuosity_factor
 tortuosity factor More...
real *8 throat_bubble_ratio
 throat bubble ratio More...
real *8 friction_coefficient
real *8 c_d
real *8 r_a
character *20 p_relax_model
 pressure relaxation model
complex *16 tau_p
 pressure relaxation rate More...
real *8 tau_p_coeff
 pressure relaxation coefficient:
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable tau_c
 crystallization parameter:
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable beta0
 chamber (equilibrium) crystal volume fraction More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable beta_max
 maximum crystal volume fraction More...
character *20 crystallization_model
 Model for the equilibrium crystal volume fraction:
. More...
real *8 frag_eff
 index of fragmentation in the interval [0;1] More...
integer fragmentation_model
 Parameter to choose the fragmentation model:
. More...
real *8 frag_thr
 Threshold for the fragmentation. More...
real *8 tau_frag_exp
 Fragmentation exponent. More...
complex *16 tau_frag
 fragmentation rate More...
real *8 tau_frag_coeff
 fragmentation coefficient:
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable tau_d
 exsolution parameter:
character *20 exsol_model
 String for exsolution model:
. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable solub
 Solubility parameter for the Henry's law. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable solub_exp
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable x_ex_dis_in
real *8 grav
 gravitational acceleration More...
real *8 k_cr
 country rock permeability More...
real *8 rho_cr
 contry rock density More...
real *8 visc_2
 gas viscosity More...
complex *16 visc_melt
 melt viscosity More...
complex *16 visc_1
 melt+crystal viscosity More...
complex *16 visc_rel_bubbles
 relative viscosity due to bubbles More...
integer n_theta_models
character(len=30), dimension(20) available_theta_models
character *30 theta_model
 Parameter to choose the model for the influence of crystal on the mixture: 'Lejeune_and_Richet1995' 'Dingwell1993' 'Melnik_and_Sparks1999' 'Costa2005' 'Melnik_and_Sparks2005' 'Vona_et_al2011' 'Vona_et_al2011_mod' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq19' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq20' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq21' 'Fixed_value' More...
complex *16 theta
 Relative viscosity of the crystals. More...
real *8 theta_fixed
 Fixed value for the relative viscosity of the crystals. More...
real *8 c1
 Coefficients for the relative viscosity models. More...
real *8 c2
real *8 c3
real *8 p_lith
 Lithostatic pressure. More...
real *8 p_hydro
 Hydrostatic pressure. More...
real *8 zeta_lith
 Elevation above the bottom for the evaluation of the lithostatic pressure. More...
integer n_bubble_models
character(len=30), dimension(20) available_bubble_models
character *20 bubbles_model
 Parameter to choose the model for the influence of the bubbles on the mixture:
. More...
logical explosive
 Flag to choose the eruptive style:
. More...
complex *16 permkc
 Magma permeability. More...
complex *16 inv_permkc
real *8 alfa_switch
real *8 a_2nd
real *8 b_2nd
real *8 perm0
integer n_visc_melt_models
character(len=30), dimension(20) available_visc_melt_models
character *30 visc_melt_model
 Parameter to select the melt viscosity (bubbles and crystal-free) model:
. More...
real *8, dimension(12) wt_init
real *8 rho_w
 Water density. More...
real *8 xa
real *8 xb
real *8 xc

Detailed Description

Constitutive equations.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This module contains the constitutive equations for the closure of the system.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine constitutive::allocate_phases_parameters ( )

Initialization of relaxation flags.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine set the number and the flags of the non-hyperbolic terms.

Definition at line 479 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::eos ( )

Equation of state.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine evaluates, from the mixture temperature T, the phase densities $ \rho_i $ and the mass fractions, the values of $ e_i, p_i, s_i, \mu_i $ for the two phases.

Definition at line 573 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::eval_densities ( )

Phases densities.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine evaluates the densities of the two phases given the pressures p1 and p2, the temperature T and the mass fraction $x_{d,md}$. $ \rho_i = \frac{p_i + \bar{p}_i}{c_{v,i}(\gamma_i-1)T} $

Definition at line 729 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_alfa ( real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(in)  xtot,
real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(in)  xmax,
real*8, dimension(n_cry), intent(in)  r_beta,
real*8, intent(in)  r_rho_md,
real*8, intent(in)  r_rho_2,
real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(out)  r_alfa_2 

Bottom exsolved gas.

Giuseppe La Spina This subrotine evaluates the exsolved gas volumetric fraction given the the total gas mass fraction and the dissolved gass mass fraction:
$ \alpha_2= \frac{x_2(1-\beta)\rho_{md}}{(1-x_{tot})\rho_2 + x_2(1-\beta)\rho_{md}}$,
where $ x_2=x_{tot}-x_{d,md} $ is the mass fraction of the exsolved gas with respect to the crystal-free magma.
[in]xtottotal gas mass fraction
[in]xmaxdissolved gas mass fraction
[in]r_betacrystals volume fraction
[in]r_rho_mddis.gas+melt density
[in]r_rho_2exsolved gas density
[out]r_alfa_2exsolved gas volume fraction

Definition at line 2060 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_alfa3 ( real*8, intent(in)  r_p_2,
real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(in)  xtot,
real*8, dimension(n_cry), intent(in)  r_beta,
real*8, intent(in)  r_rho_md,
real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(in)  r_rho_g,
real*8, dimension(n_gas), intent(out)  r_alfa_g 

Bottom exsolved gas.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the exsolved gas volumetric fraction given the the total gas mass fraction and the dissolved gass mass fraction:
$ \alpha_2= \frac{x_2(1-\beta)\rho_{md}}{(1-x_{tot})\rho_2 + x_2(1-\beta)\rho_{md}}$,
where $ x_2=x_{tot}-x_{d,md} $ is the mass fraction of the exsolved gas with respect to the crystal-free magma.
[in]r_p_2gas pressure
[in]xtottotal gas mass fraction
[in]r_betacrystals volume fraction
[in]r_rho_mddis.gas+melt density
[in]r_rho_gexsolved gas density
[out]r_alfa_gexsolved gas volume fraction

Definition at line 2103 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_beta_eq ( )

Equilibrium Crystal content.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the equilibrium crystal volume fraction as a function of the pressure:
$ \beta = \min\left( beta_{max} , 0.45 + 0.55 (0.58815 (\frac{p}{1.D6})^{-0.5226} \right) $,
[in]pressliquid pressure
[in]tempmagmatic mixture temperature
[in]x_ddissolved gas mass fraction
[in]rho_cdensity of crystal components
[in]rho_1density of phase 1
[out]beta_eqequilibrium crystal volume fraction

Definition at line 1000 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_bubbles ( )

Exsolved gas relative viscosity.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the relative viscosity due to the influence of exsolved gas on the mixture viscosity according to the model specified in the input file with the parameter bubbles_model:
  • bubbles_model = Costa 2007 =>
  • bubbles_model = Einstein =>
  • bubbles_model = Quane-Russel =>
  • bubbles_model = Eilers =>
  • bubbles_model = Sibree =>

Definition at line 1937 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_growth_rate ( )

This subroutine compute the growth rates for the different crystal phases.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1047 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_nucleation_rate ( )

Lithostatic pressure.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine compute the growth rates for the different crystal phases

Definition at line 1072 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_permkc ( )

Magma permeability.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine evaluates the permeability by means of the relationship from Klug and Cashman, 1996:
$ perm_{kc}= perm_0*10.0^{-10.2(100*\alpha)^{\frac{0.014}{\alpha}}} $
for $\alpha\geq\overline{alpha}$ For $\alpha<\overline{alpha}$ a quadratic extrapolation is applied.

Definition at line 1426 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_theta ( )

Crystal relative viscosity.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the relative viscosity $\theta$ due to the influence of crystal on the mixture viscosity according to the model specified in the input file with the parameter theta_model:
  • theta_model = 1 => $ \theta = \left( 1 - \frac{\beta}{0.7}\right)^{-3,4}$ (Einstein-Roscoe with constants from Lejeune & Richter '95);
  • theta_model = 2 => $ \theta = \left( 1+0.75\frac{\beta/0.84}{1-\beta/0.84} \right)^2$ (Dingwell et al '93);
  • theta_model = 3 => $ \theta = \theta_0 $ Melnik & Sparks '99
  • theta_model = 4 => $ \theta = \left[ 1 - c_1 erf\left(0.5 * \sqrt\pi (1+\frac{c_2}{(1-\beta)^{c_3}}) \right)\right]^\frac{-2.5}{c_1}$ (Costa)
  • theta_model = 5 => $ \theta = c_1 \cdot 10 ^{arctan(c_2(\beta-c_3))+\frac{\pi}{2}} $ (Melnik & Sparks '05).

Definition at line 1758 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_viscliq ( )

Magma viscosity.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine evaluates the viscosity of the (bubble-free) magma using the viscosity of the melt phase (bubbles and crystal-free magma) and the relative viscosity $1\theta$ due to the presence of the crsytals.

Definition at line 1497 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_viscmelt ( )

Melt viscosity.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the melt viscosity (bubbles and crystal-free) using an empirical relationship of melt viscosity according to water concentration and temperature of melt (Equation 7 in Hess and Dingwell '96):
where w is the concentration of H2O in weight percent.

Definition at line 1526 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::f_xdis_eq ( )

Equilibrium Dissolved gas.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the equilibrium dissolved gas mass fraction by means of the Henry's law:
$ x_{d,md}^{eq} = s\sqrt P\ (kg/m^3)$
where $s$ is a constant. If the pressure is smaller than nucleation pressure then $ x_{d,md}^{eq} = x_{tot}$ (total mass gas fraction at the inlet).
[in]presliquid pressure
[in]xtottotal gas fractions in the mixture
[in]alfa_g_2exsolved gas volume fractions in phase 2
[in]x_ggas mass fractions
[in]rho_mddis_gas+melt density
[out]x_d_md_eqequilibrium dissolved gas

Definition at line 862 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::hydrostatic_pressure ( )

Hydrostatic pressure.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the hydrostatic pressure at depth zeta

Definition at line 1118 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::initialize_models ( )

Definition at line 415 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::lithostatic_pressure ( )

Lithostatic pressure.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the lithostatic pressure at depth zeta

Definition at line 1097 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::mixture_viscosity ( )

Mixture viscosity.

This subrotine evaluates the viscosity of the mixture (melt+crystals+gas) below the fragmentation level


Definition at line 1473 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::press_relax_term ( complex*16, intent(out)  pressure_relaxation)

Pressure relaxation term.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the term for the relaxation of the pressures.
[out]pressure_relaxationrelaxation term

Definition at line 1140 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::solve_cubic ( complex*16, intent(in)  a,
complex*16, intent(in)  b,
complex*16, intent(in)  c,
complex*16, intent(out)  y1,
complex*16, intent(out)  y2,
complex*16, intent(out)  y3 

Solution of a cubic.

This subroutine solves a cubic polynomial in the form y^3+ay^2+by+c=0. When the coefficients are real, the solutions found are real.

[in]apolynomial coefficient
[in]bpolynomial coefficient
[in]cpolynomial coefficient

Definition at line 796 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::sound_speeds ( real*8, intent(out)  C_mix,
real*8, intent(out)  mach 

Local sound speeds.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subroutine evaluates the local sound speed of the different phases as:
$ C_i = \sqrt \frac{\partial p_i}{\partial \rho_i} $ and the mixture sound speed as:

Sound speeds of the phases

Compressibilites of the phases

Definition at line 647 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine constitutive::vel_relax_term ( complex*16, intent(out)  velocity_relaxation)

Velocity relaxation term.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi This subrotine evaluates the drag function for the relaxation of the velocities
[out]velocity_relaxationrelaxation term

Definition at line 1203 of file constitutive.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real*8 constitutive::a_2nd

Definition at line 387 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::a_g

parameter for the VDW EOS

Definition at line 79 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::alfa_1

dis_gas+melt+crystals phase local volume fraction

Definition at line 129 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::alfa_2

total exsolved gas local volume fraction

Definition at line 130 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::alfa_d_1

dissolved gas volume fractions in phase 1

Definition at line 136 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::alfa_g

exsolved gas phases local volume fraction

Definition at line 131 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::alfa_g_2

exsolved gas volume fractions in phase 2

Definition at line 137 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::alfa_m_1

melt volume fraction in phase 1

Definition at line 135 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::alfa_switch

Definition at line 386 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::alfarho_2

bulk density of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 133 of file constitutive.f90.

character (len=30), dimension(20) constitutive::available_bubble_models

Definition at line 362 of file constitutive.f90.

character (len=30), dimension(20) constitutive::available_drag_models

Definition at line 181 of file constitutive.f90.

character (len=30), dimension(20) constitutive::available_theta_models

Definition at line 325 of file constitutive.f90.

character (len=30), dimension(20) constitutive::available_visc_melt_models

Definition at line 391 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::b_2nd

Definition at line 387 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::b_g

parameter for the VDW EOS

Definition at line 80 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::bar_e_2

exsolved gas formation energy

Definition at line 59 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_e_c

crystals formation energy

Definition at line 61 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_e_d

dissolved gas formation energy

Definition at line 62 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_e_g

exsolved gas formation energy

Definition at line 63 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::bar_e_m

melt formation energy

Definition at line 60 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_p_c

crystals cohesion pressure

Definition at line 66 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_p_d

dissolved gas cohesion pressure

Definition at line 67 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::bar_p_g

exsolved gas cohesion pressure

Definition at line 68 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::bar_p_m

melt cohesion pressure

Definition at line 65 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::beta

crystal volume fraction in the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 140 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::beta0

chamber (equilibrium) crystal volume fraction

Definition at line 247 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::beta_eq

equil. cry. volume fraction in the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 141 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::beta_max

maximum crystal volume fraction

Definition at line 250 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::bubble_number_density

bubble number density

Definition at line 206 of file constitutive.f90.

character*20 constitutive::bubbles_model

Parameter to choose the model for the influence of the bubbles on the mixture:

  • 'Einstein'
  • 'Quane-Russel -> For Campi-Flegrei we use 0.63 as reported in the 2004 Report (Task 2.2)
  • 'Eilers' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'Sibree' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'Taylor' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'Mackenzie' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'DucampRaj' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'BagdassarovDingwell' -> Mader et al. 2013
  • 'Rahaman' -> Mader et al. 2013

Definition at line 375 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::c0_c

crystals sound speed at atm conditions

Definition at line 31 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::c0_d

dissolved gas sound speed at atm conditions

Definition at line 32 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::c0_g

exsolved gas sound speed at atm conditions

Definition at line 33 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::c0_m

melt sound speed at atmospheric conditions

Definition at line 30 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::c1

Coefficients for the relative viscosity models.

Definition at line 349 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::c2

Definition at line 349 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::c3

Definition at line 349 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::c_1

first phase local sound speed

Definition at line 176 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::c_2

second phase local sound speed

Definition at line 177 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::c_d

Definition at line 219 of file constitutive.f90.

character*20 constitutive::crystallization_model

Model for the equilibrium crystal volume fraction:

  • 'Vitturi2010' => Eq. 4 of de' Michieli Vitturi et al. 2010;

Definition at line 255 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::cv_1

dis.gas+melt+crystals specific heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 90 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::cv_2

exsolved gas specific heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 23 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::cv_c

crystals specific heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 25 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::cv_d

dissolved gas heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 26 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::cv_g

exsolved gas heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 27 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::cv_m

melt specific heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 24 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::cv_mix

mixture specific heat capacity at constant volume

Definition at line 171 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::drag_funct

drag function for the relative velocity:

Definition at line 194 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::drag_funct_coeff

coefficient for the drag function for the relative velocity:

  • drag_funct_coeff > 0 => positive drag (finite rate velocity relaxation)
  • drag_funct_coeff $\rightarrow +\infty $ => instantaneous relaxation
  • drag_funct_coeff = 0 => no velocity relaxation

Definition at line 201 of file constitutive.f90.

character*30 constitutive::drag_funct_model

drag function model

  • 'constant' => drag_funct = 1
  • 'eval' => drag_funct = f(q)
  • 'darcy' => Darcy formulation from Eq. 16 Degruyter et al. 2012
  • 'forchheimer' => Forcheeimer from Eq. 16 Degruyter et al. 2012
  • 'drag' => Stokes law for rising bubbles
  • 'single_velocity' => Single velocity model (u1=u2)

Definition at line 191 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::e_1

local specific internal energy of the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 94 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::e_2

local specific internal energy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 95 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::e_c

local specific internal energy of the crystals

Definition at line 97 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::e_d

local specific internal energy of the dissolved gas

Definition at line 98 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::e_g

local specific internal energy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 99 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::e_m

local specific internal energy of the melt

Definition at line 96 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::e_mix

total internal energy

Definition at line 92 of file constitutive.f90.

logical constitutive::explosive

Flag to choose the eruptive style:

  • explosive = .TRUE. => explosive eruption
  • explosive = .FALSE. => effusive eruption

Definition at line 380 of file constitutive.f90.

character*20 constitutive::exsol_model

String for exsolution model:

  • 'Henry' => Henry's law;
  • 'Zhang' => Zhang model (Zhang, JVGR '99).

Definition at line 293 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::frag_eff

index of fragmentation in the interval [0;1]

Definition at line 258 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::frag_thr

Threshold for the fragmentation.

Definition at line 268 of file constitutive.f90.

integer constitutive::fragmentation_model

Parameter to choose the fragmentation model:

  • fragmentation_model = 1 => volume fraction
  • fragmentation_model = 2 => overpressure
  • fragmentation_model = 3 => strain rate

Definition at line 265 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::friction_coefficient

Definition at line 216 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::gamma_2

exsolved gas adiabatic exponent

Definition at line 35 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::gamma_c

crystals adiabatic exponent

Definition at line 37 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::gamma_d

dissolved gas adiabatic exponent

Definition at line 38 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::gamma_g

exsolved gas adiabatic exponent

Definition at line 39 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::gamma_m

melt adiabatic exponent

Definition at line 36 of file constitutive.f90.

character*20 constitutive::gas_law

equation of state for gas

  • 'ideal' => ideal gas law
  • 'VDW' => Van der Waals equation of state

Definition at line 86 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::grav

gravitational acceleration

Definition at line 303 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::growth_rate

growth rate for the crystals

Definition at line 145 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::inv_permkc

Definition at line 384 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::k_cr

country rock permeability

Definition at line 306 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::log10_bubble_number_density

Definition at line 207 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:,:), allocatable constitutive::mom_cry

moments of the crystal referred to the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 143 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::mu_1

free Gibbs energy of the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 111 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::mu_2

free Gibbs energy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 112 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::mu_c

free Gibbs energy of the crystals

Definition at line 114 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::mu_d

free Gibbs energy of the dissolved gas

Definition at line 115 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::mu_g

free Gibbs energy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 116 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::mu_m

free Gibbs energy of the melt

Definition at line 113 of file constitutive.f90.

integer constitutive::n_bubble_models

Definition at line 360 of file constitutive.f90.

integer constitutive::n_drag_models

Definition at line 179 of file constitutive.f90.

integer constitutive::n_theta_models

Definition at line 323 of file constitutive.f90.

integer constitutive::n_visc_melt_models

Definition at line 389 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::nucleation_rate

nulceation rate for the crystals

Definition at line 146 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::p0_c

crystals reference pressure

Definition at line 55 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::p0_d

dissolved gas reference pressure

Definition at line 56 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::p0_g

exsolved gas reference pressure

Definition at line 57 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::p0_m

melt reference pressure

Definition at line 54 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::p_1

local pressure of the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 101 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::p_2

local pressure of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 102 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::p_hydro

Hydrostatic pressure.

Definition at line 355 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::p_lith

Lithostatic pressure.

Definition at line 352 of file constitutive.f90.

character*20 constitutive::p_relax_model

pressure relaxation model

  • 'constant' => tau_p = 1
  • 'eval' => tau_p = f(q)

Definition at line 228 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::pc_g

critical gas pressure

Definition at line 77 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::perm0

Definition at line 387 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::permkc

Magma permeability.

Definition at line 383 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::r_a

Definition at line 222 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::rho0_2

exsolved gas reference density

Definition at line 41 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho0_c

crystals reference density

Definition at line 43 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho0_d

dissolved gas reference density

Definition at line 44 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho0_g

exsolved gas reference density

Definition at line 45 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::rho0_m

melt reference density

Definition at line 42 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rho_1

dis_gas+melt+crystals phase local density

Definition at line 118 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rho_2

exsolved gas local density

Definition at line 119 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho_c

crystals local density

Definition at line 121 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::rho_cr

contry rock density

Definition at line 309 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho_d

dissolved gas local density

Definition at line 122 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rho_g

exsolved gas local density

Definition at line 123 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rho_m

melt local density

Definition at line 120 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rho_md

dis_gas+melt local density

Definition at line 124 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rho_mix

mixture local density

Definition at line 169 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::rho_w

Water density.

Definition at line 407 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::rhob_c

crystals bulk density

Definition at line 126 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::rhob_m

melt bulk density

Definition at line 127 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::s

mixture entropy

Definition at line 174 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s0_c

crystals reference entropy

Definition at line 72 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s0_d

dissolved gas reference entropy

Definition at line 73 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s0_g

exsolved gas reference entropy

Definition at line 74 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::s0_m

melt reference entropy

Definition at line 71 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::s_1

local specific entropy of the melt-crystals phase

Definition at line 104 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::s_2

local specific entropy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 105 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s_c

local specific entropy of the crystals

Definition at line 107 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s_d

local specific entropy of the dissolved gas

Definition at line 108 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::s_g

local specific entropy of the exsolved gas

Definition at line 109 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::s_m

local specific entropy of the melt

Definition at line 106 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::solub

Solubility parameter for the Henry's law.

Definition at line 296 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::solub_exp

Definition at line 298 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::t

mixture local temperature

Definition at line 168 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::t0_2

exsolved gas reference temperature

Definition at line 47 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::t0_c

crystals gas reference temperature

Definition at line 49 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::t0_d

dissolved gas reference temperature

Definition at line 50 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::t0_g

exsolved gas reference temperature

Definition at line 51 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::t0_m

melt reference temperature

Definition at line 48 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::tau_c

crystallization parameter:

  • tau_c = 0 => instantaneous crystallization (equilibrium);
  • tau_c > 0 => finite rate crystallization;
  • tau_c = -1 => no crystallization.

Definition at line 244 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::tau_d

exsolution parameter:

  • tau_d = 0 => instantaneous exsolution (equilibrium);
  • tau_d > 0 => finite rate exsolution;
  • tau_d = -1 => no exsolution.

Definition at line 287 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::tau_frag

fragmentation rate

Definition at line 274 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::tau_frag_coeff

fragmentation coefficient:

  • tau_frag_coeff = 0 => instantaneous fragmentation;
  • tau_frag_coeff > 0 => finite rate fragmentation;

Definition at line 280 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::tau_frag_exp

Fragmentation exponent.

Definition at line 271 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::tau_p

pressure relaxation rate

Definition at line 231 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::tau_p_coeff

pressure relaxation coefficient:

  • tau_p_coeff = 0 => instantaneous relaxation (sinlge pressure);
  • tau_p_coeff > 0 => finite rate relaxation;

Definition at line 237 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::tc_g

critical gas temperature

Definition at line 78 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::theta

Relative viscosity of the crystals.

Definition at line 343 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::theta_fixed

Fixed value for the relative viscosity of the crystals.

Definition at line 346 of file constitutive.f90.

character*30 constitutive::theta_model

Parameter to choose the model for the influence of crystal on the mixture: 'Lejeune_and_Richet1995' 'Dingwell1993' 'Melnik_and_Sparks1999' 'Costa2005' 'Melnik_and_Sparks2005' 'Vona_et_al2011' 'Vona_et_al2011_mod' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq19' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq20' 'Vona_et_al2013_eq21' 'Fixed_value'

Definition at line 340 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::throat_bubble_ratio

throat bubble ratio

Definition at line 213 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::tortuosity_factor

tortuosity factor

Definition at line 210 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::u_1

melt-crystals phase local velocity

Definition at line 148 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::u_2

exsolved gas local velocity

Definition at line 149 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::u_mix

mixture velocity

Definition at line 170 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::visc_1

melt+crystal viscosity

Definition at line 318 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::visc_2

gas viscosity

Definition at line 312 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::visc_melt

melt viscosity

Definition at line 315 of file constitutive.f90.

character*30 constitutive::visc_melt_model

Parameter to select the melt viscosity (bubbles and crystal-free) model:

  • 'Hess_and_Dingwell1996'
  • 'Romano_et_al2003'
  • 'Giordano_et_al2008'
  • 'Giordano_et_al2009'
  • 'Di_Genova_et_al2013_eqn_3,5'
  • 'Di_Genova_et_al2013_eqn_4,5'

Definition at line 401 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::visc_mix

mixture viscosity

Definition at line 172 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::visc_rel_bubbles

relative viscosity due to bubbles

Definition at line 321 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(12) constitutive::wt_init

Definition at line 404 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::x_1

melt-crystals phase local mass fraction

Definition at line 151 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::x_2

exsolved gas local mass fraction

Definition at line 152 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_c

crystals mass fraction (with respect to the mixture)

Definition at line 153 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_c_1

cristal mass fractions in phase 1

Definition at line 162 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_d

dissolved gas mass fraction (with respect to the mixture)

Definition at line 155 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_d_1

dissolved gas mass fractions in phase 1

Definition at line 165 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_d_md

dissolved gas mass fraction in the melt+dis.gas phase

Definition at line 158 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_d_md_eq

equil. dis. gas mass fraction in the melt+dis.gas phase

Definition at line 159 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_ex_dis_in

Definition at line 300 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_g

exsolved gas mass fraction (with respect to the mixture)

Definition at line 156 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive::x_g_2

exsolved gas mass fractions in phase 2

Definition at line 166 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::x_m

melt mass fraction (with respect to the mixture)

Definition at line 154 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::x_m_1

melt mass fraction in phase 1

Definition at line 163 of file constitutive.f90.

complex*16 constitutive::x_md_1

melt+dis.gas mass fraction in phase 1

Definition at line 164 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::xa

Definition at line 409 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::xb

Definition at line 409 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::xc

Definition at line 409 of file constitutive.f90.

real*8 constitutive::zeta_lith

Elevation above the bottom for the evaluation of the lithostatic pressure.

Definition at line 358 of file constitutive.f90.