Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
constitutive_2d.f90 File Reference

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module  constitutive_2d
 Constitutive equations.


subroutine constitutive_2d::init_problem_param
 Initialization of relaxation flags. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::r_phys_var (r_qj, r_h, r_u, r_v, r_alphas, r_rho_m, r_T, r_alphal)
 Physical variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::c_phys_var (c_qj, h, u, v, T, rho_m, red_grav, alphas)
 Physical variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::mixt_var (qpj, r_Ri, r_rho_m, r_rho_c, r_red_grav)
 Physical variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::qc_to_qp (qc, qp)
 Conservative to physical variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::qp_to_qc (qp, B, qc)
 Physical to conservative variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::qp_to_qp2 (qpj, Bj, qp2j)
 Additional Physical variables. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_local_speeds_x (qpj, vel_min, vel_max)
 Local Characteristic speeds x direction. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_local_speeds_y (qpj, vel_min, vel_max)
 Local Characteristic speeds y direction. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_fluxes (qcj, qpj, dir, flux)
 Hyperbolic Fluxes. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_nonhyperbolic_terms (c_qj, c_nh_term_impl, r_qj, r_nh_term_impl)
 Non-Hyperbolic terms. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_nh_semi_impl_terms (grav3_surf, qcj, nh_semi_impl_term)
 Non-Hyperbolic semi-implicit terms. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_expl_terms (Bprimej_x, Bprimej_y, source_xy, qpj, qcj, expl_term)
 Explicit Forces term. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_erosion_dep_term (qpj, dt, erosion_term, deposition_term)
 Erosion/Deposition term. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_topo_term (qpj, deposition_avg_term, erosion_avg_term, eqns_term, deposit_term)
 Topography modification related term. More...
subroutine constitutive_2d::eval_source_bdry (time, vect_x, vect_y, source_bdry)
 Internal boundary source fluxes. More...
real *8 function constitutive_2d::settling_velocity (diam, rhos, rhoc, i_solid)
 Settling velocity function. More...


logical, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive_2d::implicit_flag
 flag used for size of implicit non linear-system More...
logical constitutive_2d::entrainment_flag
 flag to activate air entrainment More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::grav
 gravitational acceleration More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::mu
 drag coefficients (Voellmy-Salm model) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::xi
real *8 constitutive_2d::friction_factor
 drag coefficients (B&W model) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::tau
 drag coefficients (plastic model) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::t_env
 evironment temperature [K] More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::rad_coeff
 radiative coefficient More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::frict_coeff
 friction coefficient More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::t_ref
 reference temperature [K] More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::nu_ref
 reference kinematic viscosity [m2/s] More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::visc_par
 viscosity parameter [K-1] (b in Table 1 Costa & Macedonio, 2005) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::emme
 velocity boundary layer fraction of total thickness More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::c_p
 specific heat [J kg-1 K-1] More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::atm_heat_transf_coeff
 atmospheric heat trasnfer coefficient [W m-2 K-1] (lambda in C&M, 2005) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::exp_area_fract
 fractional area of the exposed inner core (f in C&M, 2005) More...
real *8, parameter constitutive_2d::sbconst = 5.67D-8
 Stephan-Boltzmann constant [W m-2 K-4]. More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::emissivity
 emissivity (eps in Costa & Macedonio, 2005) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::enne
 thermal boundary layer fraction of total thickness More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::t_ground
 temperature of lava-ground interface More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::thermal_conductivity
 thermal conductivity [W m-1 K-1] (k in Costa & Macedonio, 2005) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::alpha2
 1st param for yield strenght empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::beta2
 2nd param for yield strenght empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::alpha1_coeff
 ratio between reference value from input and computed values from eq. More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::beta1
 2nd param for fluid viscosity empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::kappa
 Empirical resistance parameter (dimensionless, input parameter) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::n_td
 Mannings roughness coefficient ( units: T L^(-1/3) ) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::sp_heat_c
 Specific heat of carrier phase (gas or liquid) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::rho_a_amb
 Ambient density of air ( units: kg m-3 ) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::sp_heat_a
 Specific heat of air (units: J K-1 kg-1) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::sp_gas_const_a
 Specific gas constant of air (units: J kg-1 K-1) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::kin_visc_a
 Kinematic viscosity of air (units: m2 s-1) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::kin_visc_l
 Kinematic viscosity of liquid (units: m2 s-1) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::kin_visc_c
 Kinematic viscosity of carrier phase (units: m2 s-1) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::t_ambient
 Temperature of ambient air (units: K) More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive_2d::rho_s
 Density of sediments ( units: kg m-3 ) More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive_2d::diam_s
 Diameter of sediments ( units: m ) More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive_2d::sp_heat_s
 Specific heat of solids (units: J K-1 kg-1) More...
logical constitutive_2d::settling_flag
 Flag to determine if sedimentation is active. More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::settling_vel
 Hindered settling velocity (units: m s-1 ) More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable constitutive_2d::erosion_coeff
 erosion model coefficient (units: m-1 ) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::t_s_substrate
 temperature of solid substrate (units: K) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::pres
 ambient pressure (units: Pa) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::rho_l
 liquid density (units: kg m-3) More...
real *8 constitutive_2d::sp_heat_l
 Sepcific heat of liquid (units: J K-1 kg-1) More...