SW_VAR_DENS_MODEL - Shallow Water Finite volume solver

SW_VAR_DENS_MODEL is a FORTRAN90 code designed to solve an hyperbolic system of partial differential equations with relaxation and source terms.
The model is discretized in time with an explicit-implicit Runge-Kutta method where the hyperbolic part is solved explicetely and the other terms (relaxation and surce) are treated implicitely.
The finite volume solver for the hyperbolic part of the system is based on a semidiscrete central scheme and it is not tied on the specific eigenstructure of the model.
The implicit part is solved with a Newton-Raphson method where the elements of the Jacobian of the nonlinear system are evaluated numerically with a complex step derivative technique.
Version 1.0:

Github project page: http://demichie.github.io/SW_VAR_DENS_MODEL/

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi (*) (*) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e vulcanologia, sezione di Pisa
Via Cesare Battisti, 53
I-56125 Pisa, Italy
E-mail: matti.nosp@m.a.de.nosp@m.michi.nosp@m.eliv.nosp@m.ittur.nosp@m.i@in.nosp@m.gv.it