Functions/Subroutines | Variables
meteo_module Module Reference

Meteo module. More...


subroutine initialize_meteo
 Meteo parameters initialization. More...
subroutine zmet
 Meteo parameters. More...
subroutine interp_1d_scalar (x1, f1, x2, f2)
 Scalar interpolation. More...


real(wp) h0
real(wp) h1
real(wp) h2
real(wp) h3
real(wp) h4
real(wp) h5
real(wp) h6
real(wp) u0
real(wp) u1
real(wp) u2
real(wp) u3
real(wp) u4
real(wp) u5
real(wp) u6
real(wp) sp_hu0
real(wp) sp_hu1
real(wp) sp_hu2
real(wp) sp_hu3
real(wp) sp_hu4
real(wp) sp_hu5
real(wp) sp_hu6
real(wp) rel_hu
real(wp) gamma_m
real(wp) gamma_d
real(wp) rho_dry
real(wp) rh
 Relative humidity for standard atmosphere. More...
real(wp) cos_theta
 Wind angle. More...
real(wp) sin_theta
real(wp) rho_atm0
 Atmospheric density at sea level. More...
real(wp) u_atm
 Horizonal wind speed. More...
real(wp) u_wind
real(wp) v_wind
real(wp) rho_atm
 Atmospheric density. More...
real(wp) sphu_atm
 Atmospheric specific humidity (kg/kg) More...
real(wp) sphu_atm0
 Atmospheric specific humidity at sea level (kg/kg) More...
real(wp) visc_atm
 Atmospheric kinematic viscosity. More...
real(wp) visc_atm0
 Atmospheric kinematic viscosity at sea level. More...
real(wp) ta
 Atmospheric temperature. More...
real(wp) pa
 Atmospheric pressure. More...
real(wp) dpdz
 Vertical gradient of the pressure. More...
real(wp) dtdz
 Vertical gradient of the temperature. More...
real(wp) rair
 perfect gas constant for dry air ( J/(kg K) ) More...
real(wp) cpair
 specific heat capacity for dry air More...
real(wp), parameter t_ref = 273.15_wp
 reference temperature (K) More...
real(wp), parameter h_wv0 = 2.501D6
 enthalpy of water vapor at reference temperature (J kg-1) More...
real(wp), parameter c_wv = 1996.0_wp
 specifc heat of water vapor (J K-1 kg-1) More...
real(wp), parameter h_lw0 = 3.337D5
 enthalpy of liquid water at reference temperature (J kg-1) More...
real(wp), parameter c_lw = 4187.0_wp
 specific heat of liquid water (J K-1 kg-1) More...
real(wp), parameter c_ice = 2108.0_wp
 specific heat of ice (J K-1 kg-1) More...
real(wp), parameter da_mol_wt = 0.029_wp
 molecular weight of dry air More...
real(wp), parameter wv_mol_wt = 0.018_wp
 molecular weight of water vapor More...
real(wp), parameter rwv = 462
 gas constant for water vapor ( J/(kg K) ) More...
integer n_atm_profile
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable atm_profile
 atmospheric profile above the vent. It is an array with n_atm_profile rows and 7 columns:
character *10 read_atm_profile
real(wp) u_max
real(wp) z_r
real(wp) exp_wind
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable rho_atm_month_lat
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable pres_atm_month_lat
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable temp_atm_month_lat
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable temp_atm_month
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable h_levels
real(wp) wind_mult_coeff

Detailed Description

Meteo module.

This module contains all the variables related to the atmoshpere and initialize the variables at the base of the plume.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine meteo_module::initialize_meteo ( )

Meteo parameters initialization.

This subroutine evaluate the atmosphere parameters (temperature, pressure, density and wind) at the base of the plume.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 160 of file meteo.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine meteo_module::interp_1d_scalar ( real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in)  x1,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in)  f1,
real(wp), intent(in)  x2,
real(wp), intent(out)  f2 

Scalar interpolation.

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points x1, at the point x2. The value are saved in f2

x1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
x2new point (output)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 511 of file meteo.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine meteo_module::zmet ( )

Meteo parameters.

This subroutine evaluate the atmosphere parameters (temperature, pressure, density and wind) at height z.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Horizontal components of the wind

Sutherland's constant

Definition at line 229 of file meteo.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable meteo_module::atm_profile

atmospheric profile above the vent. It is an array with n_atm_profile rows and 7 columns:

  • 1) height (km asl)
  • 2) density (kg/m^3)
  • 3) pressure (hPa)
  • 4) temperature (K)
  • 5) specific-humidity (kg/kg)
  • 6) wind velocity West->East (m/s)
  • 7) wind velocity North-South (m/s)

Definition at line 132 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::c_ice = 2108.0_wp

specific heat of ice (J K-1 kg-1)

Definition at line 109 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::c_lw = 4187.0_wp

specific heat of liquid water (J K-1 kg-1)

Definition at line 106 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::c_wv = 1996.0_wp

specifc heat of water vapor (J K-1 kg-1)

Definition at line 100 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::cos_theta

Wind angle.

Definition at line 48 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::cpair

specific heat capacity for dry air

Definition at line 91 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::da_mol_wt = 0.029_wp

molecular weight of dry air

Definition at line 112 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::dpdz

Vertical gradient of the pressure.

Definition at line 82 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::dtdz

Vertical gradient of the temperature.

Definition at line 85 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::exp_wind

Definition at line 136 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::gamma_d

Definition at line 40 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::gamma_m

Definition at line 38 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h0

Definition at line 18 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h1

Definition at line 19 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h2

Definition at line 20 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h3

Definition at line 21 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h4

Definition at line 22 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h5

Definition at line 23 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::h6

Definition at line 24 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable meteo_module::h_levels

Definition at line 141 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::h_lw0 = 3.337D5

enthalpy of liquid water at reference temperature (J kg-1)

Definition at line 103 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::h_wv0 = 2.501D6

enthalpy of water vapor at reference temperature (J kg-1)

Definition at line 97 of file meteo.f90.

integer meteo_module::n_atm_profile

Definition at line 120 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::pa

Atmospheric pressure.

Definition at line 79 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable meteo_module::pres_atm_month_lat

Definition at line 138 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rair

perfect gas constant for dry air ( J/(kg K) )

Definition at line 88 of file meteo.f90.

character*10 meteo_module::read_atm_profile

Definition at line 134 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rel_hu

Definition at line 36 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rh

Relative humidity for standard atmosphere.

Definition at line 45 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rho_atm

Atmospheric density.

Definition at line 60 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rho_atm0

Atmospheric density at sea level.

Definition at line 51 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable meteo_module::rho_atm_month_lat

Definition at line 138 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::rho_dry

Definition at line 42 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::rwv = 462

gas constant for water vapor ( J/(kg K) )

Definition at line 118 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sin_theta

Definition at line 48 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu0

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu1

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu2

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu3

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu4

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu5

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sp_hu6

Definition at line 34 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sphu_atm

Atmospheric specific humidity (kg/kg)

Definition at line 63 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::sphu_atm0

Atmospheric specific humidity at sea level (kg/kg)

Definition at line 66 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::t_ref = 273.15_wp

reference temperature (K)

Definition at line 94 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::ta

Atmospheric temperature.

Definition at line 76 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable meteo_module::temp_atm_month

Definition at line 138 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable meteo_module::temp_atm_month_lat

Definition at line 138 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u0

Definition at line 26 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u1

Definition at line 27 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u2

Definition at line 28 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u3

Definition at line 29 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u4

Definition at line 30 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u5

Definition at line 31 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u6

Definition at line 32 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u_atm

Horizonal wind speed.

Definition at line 54 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u_max

Definition at line 136 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::u_wind

Definition at line 56 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::v_wind

Definition at line 57 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::visc_atm

Atmospheric kinematic viscosity.

Definition at line 70 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::visc_atm0

Atmospheric kinematic viscosity at sea level.

Definition at line 73 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::wind_mult_coeff

Definition at line 143 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp), parameter meteo_module::wv_mol_wt = 0.018_wp

molecular weight of water vapor

Definition at line 115 of file meteo.f90.

real(wp) meteo_module::z_r

Definition at line 136 of file meteo.f90.