Functions/Subroutines | Variables
particles_module Module Reference

Particles module. More...


subroutine allocate_particles
 Particles variables allocation. More...
subroutine deallocate_particles
real(wp) function particles_settling_velocity (diam, rhop, shape_fact)
 Settling velocity. More...
real(wp) function particles_heat_capacity (i_part, diam)
 Heat capacity. More...
real(wp) function particles_density (i_part, phi)
 Particle density. More...
real(wp) function particles_shape (i_part, phi)
 Particle shape factor. More...
real(wp) function particles_beta (temp, visc, diam_i, diam_j, rho_i, rho_j, Vs_i, Vs_j, lw_vf, ice_vf, solid_mf)
 Particles aggregation. More...
real(wp) function aggregation_kernel (diam_i, rho_i, Vs_i, diam_j, rho_j, Vs_j, lw_vf, ice_vf, solid_mf, temp, visc)
 Aggregation kernel. More...
real(wp) function collision_kernel (diam_i, rho_i, Vs_i, diam_j, rho_j, Vs_j, temp, visc)
 Collision kernel. More...
real(wp) function coalescence_efficiency (diam_i, rho_i, Vs_i, diam_j, rho_j, Vs_j, lw_vf, ice_vf, solid_mf)
 Coalescence efficiency. More...
subroutine eval_particles_moments
 Particles moments computation. More...
subroutine eval_quad_values
 Quadrature values computation. More...
subroutine init_quadrature_points
 Quadrature initialization. More...
subroutine phifromm
 Compute size from mass. More...
subroutine update_aggregation (temp, visc, lw_vf, ice_vf, solid_mf)
 Aggregation terms. More...
subroutine init_aggregation
 Aggregation initialization. More...


integer n_part
 number of particle phases More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_partial_mass_fraction
 mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_partial_mass_fraction0
 init mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_partial_volume_fraction
 volume fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_mass_fraction
 mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_mass_fraction0
 initial mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable solid_volume_fraction
 volume fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable bin_partial_mass_fraction
 mass fraction of the bins of particle with respect to the total solid More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable particle_loss_rate
 rate of particles lost from the plume in the integration steps ( kg s^-1) More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable cum_particle_loss_rate
 cumulative rate of particles lost up to the integration height ( kg s^-1) More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mom
 Moments of the particles diameter. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mom0
 Initial moments of the particles diameter. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable set_mom
 Moments of the settling velocities. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable set_cp_mom
 Moments of the settling velocities times the heat capacity. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable birth_mom
 Term accounting for the birth of aggregates in the moments equations. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable death_mom
 Term accounting for the loss of particles because of aggregation. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable shape_factor
 shape factor for settling velocity (Pfeiffer) More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable phi1
 First diameter for the density function. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable rho1
 Density at phi=phi1. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable shape1
 Shape factor at phi=phi1. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable phi2
 Second diameter for the density function. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable rho2
 Density at phi=phi2. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable shape2
 Shape factor at phi=phi2. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable cp_part
 Heat capacity of particle phases. More...
real(wp) cpsolid
 Average heat capacity of particles. More...
real(wp) particles_beta0
character *10 settling_model
 Settling model:
. More...
character(len=20) distribution
 Ditribution of the particles:
. More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable aggregation_array
 Flag for the aggregation:
. More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable aggregate_porosity
 Array for porosity volume fraction of aggregates. More...
character(len=20) aggregation_model
 Aggregation kernel model:
. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable aggr_idx
 Index defining the couple aggregated-non aggregated. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_quad
 Abscissa of quadrature formulas. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable w_quad
 Weights of quadrature formulas. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable phi_quad
 Particle size (phi-scale) at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable diam_quad
 Particle diameters (meters) at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable vol_quad
 Particle volumes at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable rho_quad
 Particle densities at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable shape_quad
 Particle densities at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable set_vel_quad
 Particle settling velocities at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable cp_quad
 Particle heat capacities at quadrature points. More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable f_quad
 Values of linear reconstructions at quadrature points. More...
real(wp) t_part
 Particle temperature for aggregation (Costa model) More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable phil
 left boundaries of the sections in phi-scale More...
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable phir
 right boundaries of the sections in phi-scale More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable m
 boundaries of the sections in mass scale (kg) More...
logical, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable q_flag
 logical defining if particles ip/is+jp/js aggregates on section ks More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable kernel_aggr
 aggregation kernel computed for ip/is+jp/js More...
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable a
real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable wij

Detailed Description

Particles module.

This module contains the procedures and the variables related to the solid particles. In particular, the statistical moments of the properties of the particles are defined and evaluated in this module.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(wp) function particles_module::aggregation_kernel ( real(wp), intent(in)  diam_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  lw_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  ice_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  solid_mf,
real(wp), intent(in)  temp,
real(wp), intent(in)  visc 

Aggregation kernel.

This function evaluates the aggregation kernel, using the expression given in Textor et al. 2006.

[in]diam_ifirst particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_ifirst particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_ifirst particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]diam_jsecond particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_jsecond particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_jsecond particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]lw_vfliquid water mass fraction
[in]ice_vfice mass fraction
[in]solid_mfice mass fraction
[in]tempmixture temperature (K)
[in]viscair kinematic viscosity (m2s-1)
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 821 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::allocate_particles ( )

Particles variables allocation.

This subroutine allocate the variables defining the moments for the particles. The moments are then corrected, if needed, and then the abscissas and weights for the quadrature formulas are computed.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 198 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::coalescence_efficiency ( real(wp), intent(in)  diam_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  lw_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  ice_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  solid_mf 

Coalescence efficiency.

[in]diam_ifirst particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_ifirst particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_ifirst particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]diam_jsecond particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_jsecond particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_jsecond particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]lw_vfliquid water mass fraction
[in]ice_vfice mass fraction
[in]solid_mfice mass fraction
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

particle Stokes number

Critical Stokes number

Efficiency exponent

Definition at line 995 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::collision_kernel ( real(wp), intent(in)  diam_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  rho_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  Vs_j,
real(wp), intent(in)  temp,
real(wp), intent(in)  visc 

Collision kernel.

[in]diam_ifirst particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_ifirst particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_ifirst particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]diam_jsecond particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_jsecond particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_jsecond particle settling velocity (m/s)
[in]tempmixture temperature (K)
[in]viscair kinematic viscosity (m2s-1)
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Brownian motion collisions kernel (m3 s-1)

Laminar and turbulent fluid shear collisions kernel (m3 s-1)

Differential sedimentation kernel (m3 s-1)

Gravitational collision efficiency

Rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy

Fluid shear

Definition at line 898 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::deallocate_particles ( )

Definition at line 282 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::eval_particles_moments ( )

Particles moments computation.

This subroutine compute the moments of the particles properties (density, heat capacity and settling velocity) using the quadrature formulas.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1100 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::eval_quad_values ( )

Quadrature values computation.

This subroutine compute the values of the linear reconstructions at the quadrature points. These values changes with the moments and are used in the quadrature schemes to compute the integral for the additional moments.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1179 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::init_aggregation ( )

Aggregation initialization.

This subroutine compute the terms needed in the quadrature formulas used for the integral defining the aggregation.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1638 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::init_quadrature_points ( )

Quadrature initialization.

This subroutine compute the abscissas and weights for the quadrature schemes used by the method of moments. The values computed here are constant through the entire simulation and depend only on the sections.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1227 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::particles_beta ( real(wp), intent(in)  temp,
real(wp), intent(in)  visc,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam_i,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam_j,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  rho_i,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  rho_j,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  Vs_i,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  Vs_j,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  lw_vf,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  ice_vf,
real(wp), intent(in), optional  solid_mf 

Particles aggregation.

This function evaluates the aggregation kernel using several forumation:

  • a Brownian formulations given in Marchisio et al., 2003.
  • constant
  • sum
  • Costa
[in]diam_ifirst particle diameter (m)
[in]diam_jsecond particle diameter (m)
[in]rho_ifirst particle density (kg/m3)
[in]rho_jsecond particle density (kg/m3)
[in]Vs_ifirst particle settling velocity
[in]Vs_jsecond particle settling velocity
[in]lw_vfliquid water mass fraction
[in]ice_vfice mass fraction
[in]solid_mfice mass fraction
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 731 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::particles_density ( integer, intent(in)  i_part,
real(wp), intent(in)  phi 

Particle density.

This function evaluates the density of a particle given the size (diameter), using the expression given in Bonadonna and Phillips, 2003.

[in]i_partparticle phase index
[in]phiparticle size (Krumbein phi scale)
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 607 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::particles_heat_capacity ( integer, intent(in)  i_part,
real(wp), intent(in)  diam 

Heat capacity.

This function evaluates the heat capacity of the particles given the size (diameter).

[in]i_partparticle phase index
[in]diamparticle diameter (m)
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 583 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::particles_settling_velocity ( real(wp), intent(in)  diam,
real(wp), intent(in)  rhop,
real(wp), intent(in)  shape_fact 

Settling velocity.

This function evaluates the settling velocity of a particle given the size (diameter), using the expression given in Textor et al. 2006 or in Pfeiffer et al 2005, accordingly with the variable SETTLING MODEL specified in the input file.

[in]diamparticle diameter (m)
[in]rhopparticle density (kg/m3)
[in]shape_factshape factor
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

cross sectional area

Drag coefficients at Rey=100,1000

Drag coefficent for intermediate values of Re

Settling velocity at Rey=100,1000

Mass of the particle

Settling velocities

Reynolds numbers for the two solutions of the settling equation

Coefficients of the settling equation

Square root of the discriminant of the settling equation

Definition at line 355 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(wp) function particles_module::particles_shape ( integer, intent(in)  i_part,
real(wp), intent(in)  phi 

Particle shape factor.

This function evaluates the shape factor of a particle given the size (phi).

[in]i_partparticle phase index
[in]phiparticle size (Krumbein phi scale)
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 662 of file particles.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::phifromm ( )

Compute size from mass.

This subroutine compute the size in the Krumbein phi-scale from the mass at the quadrature points. A bisection method is used to invert the size-density relationships and find the density from the mass. Once the mass is computed, additional variables are computed at the quadrature points: diam (m), vol (m3) , heat capacity (J*K-1*kg-1), phi.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1291 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine particles_module::update_aggregation ( real(wp), intent(in)  temp,
real(wp), intent(in)  visc,
real(wp), intent(in)  lw_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  ice_vf,
real(wp), intent(in)  solid_mf 

Aggregation terms.

This subroutine compute the particles birth and death terms appearing in the momentum transport equations. The aggregation kernel is called inside from this subroutine.

[in]temptemperature (K)
[in]lw_vfliquid water mass fraction
[in]ice_vfice mass fraction
[in]solid_mfice mass fraction
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 1478 of file particles.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::a

Definition at line 178 of file particles.f90.

integer, dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::aggr_idx

Index defining the couple aggregated-non aggregated.

Definition at line 128 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::aggregate_porosity

Array for porosity volume fraction of aggregates.

Definition at line 118 of file particles.f90.

logical, dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::aggregation_array

Flag for the aggregation:

  • 'TRUE' => aggregation enabled
  • 'FALSE' => aggregation disabled

Definition at line 115 of file particles.f90.

character(len=20) particles_module::aggregation_model

Aggregation kernel model:

  • 'constant' => beta=1
  • 'brownian'
  • 'sum'

Definition at line 125 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable particles_module::bin_partial_mass_fraction

mass fraction of the bins of particle with respect to the total solid

Definition at line 44 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::birth_mom

Term accounting for the birth of aggregates in the moments equations.

Definition at line 65 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::cp_part

Heat capacity of particle phases.

Definition at line 92 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::cp_quad

Particle heat capacities at quadrature points.

Definition at line 155 of file particles.f90.

real(wp) particles_module::cpsolid

Average heat capacity of particles.

Definition at line 95 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable particles_module::cum_particle_loss_rate

cumulative rate of particles lost up to the integration height ( kg s^-1)

Definition at line 50 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::death_mom

Term accounting for the loss of particles because of aggregation.

Definition at line 68 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::diam_quad

Particle diameters (meters) at quadrature points.

Definition at line 140 of file particles.f90.

character(len=20) particles_module::distribution

Ditribution of the particles:

  • 'lognormal' => lognormal distribution
  • 'bin' => user defined partition in bins

Definition at line 110 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::f_quad

Values of linear reconstructions at quadrature points.

Definition at line 158 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::kernel_aggr

aggregation kernel computed for ip/is+jp/js

Definition at line 176 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable particles_module::m

boundaries of the sections in mass scale (kg)

Definition at line 170 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::m_quad

Abscissa of quadrature formulas.

Definition at line 131 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::mom

Moments of the particles diameter.

Definition at line 53 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::mom0

Initial moments of the particles diameter.

Definition at line 56 of file particles.f90.

integer particles_module::n_part

number of particle phases

Definition at line 23 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable particles_module::particle_loss_rate

rate of particles lost from the plume in the integration steps ( kg s^-1)

Definition at line 47 of file particles.f90.

real(wp) particles_module::particles_beta0

Definition at line 98 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::phi1

First diameter for the density function.

Definition at line 74 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::phi2

Second diameter for the density function.

Definition at line 83 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::phi_quad

Particle size (phi-scale) at quadrature points.

Definition at line 137 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::phil

left boundaries of the sections in phi-scale

Definition at line 164 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::phir

right boundaries of the sections in phi-scale

Definition at line 167 of file particles.f90.

logical, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::q_flag

logical defining if particles ip/is+jp/js aggregates on section ks

Definition at line 173 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::rho1

Density at phi=phi1.

Definition at line 77 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::rho2

Density at phi=phi2.

Definition at line 86 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::rho_quad

Particle densities at quadrature points.

Definition at line 146 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::set_cp_mom

Moments of the settling velocities times the heat capacity.

Definition at line 62 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::set_mom

Moments of the settling velocities.

Definition at line 59 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::set_vel_quad

Particle settling velocities at quadrature points.

Definition at line 152 of file particles.f90.

character*10 particles_module::settling_model

Settling model:

  • 'textor' => Textor et al. 2006
  • 'pfeiffer' => Pfeiffer et al. 2005

Definition at line 104 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::shape1

Shape factor at phi=phi1.

Definition at line 80 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::shape2

Shape factor at phi=phi2.

Definition at line 89 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::shape_factor

shape factor for settling velocity (Pfeiffer)

Definition at line 71 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::shape_quad

Particle densities at quadrature points.

Definition at line 149 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_mass_fraction

mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture

Definition at line 35 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_mass_fraction0

initial mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture

Definition at line 38 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_partial_mass_fraction

mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid

Definition at line 26 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_partial_mass_fraction0

init mass fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid

Definition at line 29 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_partial_volume_fraction

volume fraction of the particle phases with respect to the total solid

Definition at line 32 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable particles_module::solid_volume_fraction

volume fraction of the particle phases with respect to the mixture

Definition at line 41 of file particles.f90.

real(wp) particles_module::t_part

Particle temperature for aggregation (Costa model)

Definition at line 161 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::vol_quad

Particle volumes at quadrature points.

Definition at line 143 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::w_quad

Weights of quadrature formulas.

Definition at line 134 of file particles.f90.

real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable particles_module::wij

Definition at line 180 of file particles.f90.