Functions/Subroutines | Variables
geometry_2d Module Reference

Grid module. More...


subroutine init_grid
 Finite volume grid initialization. More...
subroutine init_source
subroutine interp_1d_scalar (x1, f1, x2, f2)
 Scalar interpolation. More...
subroutine interp_2d_scalar (x1, y1, f1, x2, y2, f2)
 Scalar interpolation (2D) More...
subroutine interp_2d_scalarb (x1, y1, f1, x2, y2, f2)
 Scalar interpolation (2D) More...
subroutine interp_2d_slope (x1, y1, f1, x2, y2, f_x, f_y)
 Scalar interpolation (2D) More...
subroutine topography_reconstruction
 Linear reconstruction. More...
subroutine regrid_scalar (xin, yin, fin, xl, xr, yl, yr, fout)
 Scalar regrid (2D) More...
subroutine limit (v, z, limiter, slope_lim)
 Slope limiter. More...
real *8 function minmod (a, b)
real *8 function maxmod (a, b)
subroutine compute_cell_fract (xs, ys, rs, cell_fract)


real *8, dimension(:), allocatable x_comp
 Location of the centers (x) of the control volume of the domain. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable x_stag
 Location of the boundaries (x) of the control volumes of the domain. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable y_comp
 Location of the centers (y) of the control volume of the domain. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable y_stag
 Location of the boundaries (x) of the control volumes of the domain. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_ver
 Topography at the vertices of the control volumes. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_interfacel
 Reconstructed value at the left of the x-interface. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_interfacer
 Reconstructed value at the right of the x-interface. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_interfaceb
 Reconstructed value at the bottom of the y-interface. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_interfacet
 Reconstructed value at the top of the y-interface. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_cent
 Topography at the centers of the control volumes. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_prime_x
 Topography slope (x direction) at the centers of the control volumes. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable b_prime_y
 Topography slope (y direction) at the centers of the control volumes. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable grid_output
 Solution in ascii grid format (ESRI) More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable grav_surf
 gravity vector wrt surface coordinates for each cell More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable curv_xy
 curvature wrt mixed directions for each cell More...
real *8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable deposit
 deposit for the different classes More...
real *8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable topography_profile
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable source_cell
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcee
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcew
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable sources
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcen
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable dist_sourcee
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable dist_sourcew
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable dist_sources
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable dist_sourcen
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcee_vect_x
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcee_vect_y
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcew_vect_x
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcew_vect_y
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sources_vect_x
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sources_vect_y
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcen_vect_x
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable sourcen_vect_y
real *8 pi_g
integer n_topography_profile_x
integer n_topography_profile_y
real *8 dx
 Control volumes size. More...
real *8 x0
 Left of the physical domain. More...
real *8 xn
 Right of the physical domain. More...
real *8 dy
 Control volumes size. More...
real *8 y0
 Bottom of the physical domain. More...
real *8 yn
 Top of the physical domain. More...
real *8 dx2
 Half x Control volumes size. More...
real *8 dy2
 Half y Control volumes size. More...
integer comp_cells_x
 Number of control volumes x in the comp. domain. More...
integer comp_interfaces_x
 Number of interfaces (comp_cells_x+1) More...
integer comp_cells_y
 Number of control volumes y in the comp. domain. More...
integer comp_interfaces_y
 Number of interfaces (comp_cells_y+1) More...
real *8 cell_size
integer comp_cells_xy

Detailed Description

Grid module.

This module contains the variables and the subroutines related to the computational grid

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine geometry_2d::compute_cell_fract ( real*8, intent(in)  xs,
real*8, intent(in)  ys,
real*8, intent(in)  rs,
real*8, dimension(comp_cells_x,comp_cells_y), intent(out)  cell_fract 

Definition at line 1056 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::init_grid ( )

Finite volume grid initialization.

This subroutine initialize the grids for the finite volume solver.


Definition at line 115 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::init_source ( )

Definition at line 307 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::interp_1d_scalar ( real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  x1,
real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  f1,
real*8, intent(in)  x2,
real*8, intent(out)  f2 

Scalar interpolation.

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points x1, at the point x2. The value are saved in f2

x1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
x2new point (output)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 442 of file geometry_2d.f90.

subroutine geometry_2d::interp_2d_scalar ( real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  x1,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  y1,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  f1,
real*8, intent(in)  x2,
real*8, intent(in)  y2,
real*8, intent(out)  f2 

Scalar interpolation (2D)

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points (x1,y1), at the point (x2,y2). The value are saved in f2

x1original grid (input)
y1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
x2new point (output)
y2new point (output)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 501 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::interp_2d_scalarb ( real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  x1,
real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  y1,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  f1,
real*8, intent(in)  x2,
real*8, intent(in)  y2,
real*8, intent(out)  f2 

Scalar interpolation (2D)

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points (x1,y1), at the point (x2,y2). The value are saved in f2. In this case x1 and y1 are 1d arrays.

x1original grid (input)
y1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
x2new point (output)
y2new point (output)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 570 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::interp_2d_slope ( real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  x1,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  y1,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  f1,
real*8, intent(in)  x2,
real*8, intent(in)  y2,
real*8, intent(out)  f_x,
real*8, intent(out)  f_y 

Scalar interpolation (2D)

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points (x1,y1), at the point (x2,y2). The value are saved in f2

x1original grid (input)
y1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
x2new point (output)
y2new point (output)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 651 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::limit ( real*8, dimension(3), intent(in)  v,
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  limiter,
real*8, intent(out)  slope_lim 

Slope limiter.

This subroutine limits the slope of the linear reconstruction of the physical variables, accordingly to the parameter "solve_limiter":

  • 'none' => no limiter (constant value);
  • 'minmod' => minmod slope;
  • 'superbee' => superbee limiter (Roe, 1985);
  • 'van_leer' => monotonized central-difference limiter (van Leer, 1977)
[in]v3-point stencil value array
[in]z3-point stencil location array
[in]limiterinteger defining the limiter choice
[out]slope_limlimited slope
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 946 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real*8 function geometry_2d::maxmod ( real*8  a,
real*8  b 

Definition at line 1035 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real*8 function geometry_2d::minmod ( real*8  a,
real*8  b 

Definition at line 1014 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::regrid_scalar ( real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  xin,
real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)  yin,
real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  fin,
real*8, intent(in)  xl,
real*8, intent(in)  xr,
real*8, intent(in)  yl,
real*8, intent(in)  yr,
real*8, intent(out)  fout 

Scalar regrid (2D)

This subroutine interpolate the values of the array f1, defined on the grid points (x1,y1), at the point (x2,y2). The value are saved in f2. In this case x1 and y1 are 1d arrays.

x1original grid (input)
y1original grid (input)
f1original values (input)
xlnew point (input)
xrnew point (input)
ylnew point (input)
yrnew point (input)
f2interpolated value (output)

Definition at line 882 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine geometry_2d::topography_reconstruction ( )

Linear reconstruction.

In this subroutine a linear reconstruction with slope limiters is applied to a set of variables describing the state of the system.

Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

Definition at line 739 of file geometry_2d.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_cent

Topography at the centers of the control volumes.

Definition at line 41 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_interfaceb

Reconstructed value at the bottom of the y-interface.

Definition at line 35 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_interfacel

Reconstructed value at the left of the x-interface.

Definition at line 29 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_interfacer

Reconstructed value at the right of the x-interface.

Definition at line 32 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_interfacet

Reconstructed value at the top of the y-interface.

Definition at line 38 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_prime_x

Topography slope (x direction) at the centers of the control volumes.

Definition at line 44 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_prime_y

Topography slope (y direction) at the centers of the control volumes.

Definition at line 47 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::b_ver

Topography at the vertices of the control volumes.

Definition at line 26 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::cell_size

Definition at line 102 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::comp_cells_x

Number of control volumes x in the comp. domain.

Definition at line 98 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::comp_cells_xy

Definition at line 103 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::comp_cells_y

Number of control volumes y in the comp. domain.

Definition at line 100 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::comp_interfaces_x

Number of interfaces (comp_cells_x+1)

Definition at line 99 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::comp_interfaces_y

Number of interfaces (comp_cells_y+1)

Definition at line 101 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::curv_xy

curvature wrt mixed directions for each cell

Definition at line 56 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::deposit

deposit for the different classes

Definition at line 59 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::dist_sourcee

Definition at line 69 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::dist_sourcen

Definition at line 72 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::dist_sources

Definition at line 71 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::dist_sourcew

Definition at line 70 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::dx

Control volumes size.

Definition at line 90 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::dx2

Half x Control volumes size.

Definition at line 96 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::dy

Control volumes size.

Definition at line 93 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::dy2

Half y Control volumes size.

Definition at line 97 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::grav_surf

gravity vector wrt surface coordinates for each cell

Definition at line 53 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::grid_output

Solution in ascii grid format (ESRI)

Definition at line 50 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::n_topography_profile_x

Definition at line 88 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer geometry_2d::n_topography_profile_y

Definition at line 88 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::pi_g

Definition at line 86 of file geometry_2d.f90.

integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::source_cell

Definition at line 63 of file geometry_2d.f90.

logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcee

Definition at line 64 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcee_vect_x

Definition at line 74 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcee_vect_y

Definition at line 75 of file geometry_2d.f90.

logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcen

Definition at line 67 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcen_vect_x

Definition at line 83 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcen_vect_y

Definition at line 84 of file geometry_2d.f90.

logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sources

Definition at line 66 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sources_vect_x

Definition at line 80 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sources_vect_y

Definition at line 81 of file geometry_2d.f90.

logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcew

Definition at line 65 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcew_vect_x

Definition at line 77 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::sourcew_vect_y

Definition at line 78 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable geometry_2d::topography_profile

Definition at line 61 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::x0

Left of the physical domain.

Definition at line 91 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable geometry_2d::x_comp

Location of the centers (x) of the control volume of the domain.

Definition at line 14 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable geometry_2d::x_stag

Location of the boundaries (x) of the control volumes of the domain.

Definition at line 17 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::xn

Right of the physical domain.

Definition at line 92 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::y0

Bottom of the physical domain.

Definition at line 94 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable geometry_2d::y_comp

Location of the centers (y) of the control volume of the domain.

Definition at line 20 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable geometry_2d::y_stag

Location of the boundaries (x) of the control volumes of the domain.

Definition at line 23 of file geometry_2d.f90.

real*8 geometry_2d::yn

Top of the physical domain.

Definition at line 95 of file geometry_2d.f90.