Data Types | Variables
parameters_2d Module Reference

Parameters. More...

Data Types

type  bc


real *8 eps_newton
 threshold for the convergence of the Newton's method More...
real *8 dt0
 Initial time step. More...
real *8 max_dt
 Largest time step allowed. More...
real *8 cfl
 Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy parameter. More...
real *8 eps_sing
 parameter for desingularization More...
real *8 reconstr_coeff
 Slope coefficient in the linear reconstruction. More...
logical interfaces_relaxation
 Flag to add the relaxation terms after the linear reconstruction:
. More...
logical topography_function_flag
 Flag to choose in which way we upload the topography. More...
logical topography_demfile
 Flag for uploading topography from a different file (topography_dem.asc) More...
logical energy_flag
 Flag to choose the equation for temperature to solve. More...
logical riemann_flag
 Flag to choose the sort of problem to solve. More...
logical rheology_flag
 Flag to choose if we add the rheology. More...
integer rheology_model
 choice of the rheology model More...
logical liquid_flag
logical gas_flag
logical topo_change_flag
logical radial_source_flag
real *8 x_source
real *8 y_source
real *8 r_source
real *8 vel_source
real *8 t_source
real *8 h_source
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable alphas_source
real *8 alphal_source
real *8, dimension(4) time_param
logical collapsing_volume_flag
real *8 x_collapse
real *8 y_collapse
real *8 r_collapse
real *8 t_collapse
real *8 h_collapse
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable alphas_collapse
real *8 released_volume
 Initial volume of the flow. More...
real *8 x_release
 Initial x-coordiante of the pile. More...
real *8 y_release
 Initial y-coordinate of the pile. More...
real *8 velocity_mod_release
 Initial velocity module of the pile. More...
real *8 velocity_ang_release
 Initial velocity direction (angle in degree):
. More...
real *8 t_init
 Initial temperature of the pile of material. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable alphas_init
 Initial sediment concentration in the pile of material. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable sed_vol_perc
integer n_vars
 Number of conservative variables. More...
integer n_eqns
 Number of equations. More...
integer n_solid
 Number of solid classes. More...
integer n_nh
 Number of non-hyperbolic terms. More...
integer n_rk
 Runge-Kutta order. More...
integer, parameter max_nl_iter = 100
real *8, parameter tol_abs = 1.D-5
real *8, parameter tol_rel = 1.D-5
integer, dimension(10) limiter = -1
 Limiter for the slope in the linear reconstruction:
. More...
character(len=20) solver_scheme
 Finite volume method:
. More...
real *8 theta
 Van Leer limiter parameter. More...
real *8 t_start
 initial time for the run More...
real *8 t_end
 end time for the run More...
real *8 t_output
 time of the next output More...
real *8 dt_output
 time interval for the output of the solution More...
real *8 t_runout
 time of the next runout output More...
real *8 t_steady
 end time when reached steady solution More...
integer verbose_level
type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable bcw
 bcW&flag defines the west boundary condition:
type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable bce
 bcE&flag defines the east boundary condition:
type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable bcs
 bcS&flag defines the south boundary condition:
type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable bcn
 bcN&flag defines the north boundary condition:

Detailed Description


This module contains the parameters for numerical solution of the model.

Variable Documentation

real*8 parameters_2d::alphal_source

Definition at line 82 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::alphas_collapse

Definition at line 93 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::alphas_init

Initial sediment concentration in the pile of material.

Definition at line 120 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::alphas_source

Definition at line 81 of file parameters_2d.f90.

type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::bce

bcE&flag defines the east boundary condition:

  • bcEflag = 0 => Dirichlet boundary condition;
  • bcEflag = 1 => Neumann boundary condition.

bcEvalue is the value of the right boundary condition:

  • value of the variable for Dirichlet boundary condition (bcEflag=0);
  • gradient of the variable for Neumann boundary condition (bcEflag=1).

Definition at line 188 of file parameters_2d.f90.

type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::bcn

bcN&flag defines the north boundary condition:

  • bcNflag = 0 => Dirichlet boundary condition;
  • bcNflag = 1 => Neumann boundary condition.

bcNvalue is the value of the top boundary condition:

  • value of the variable for Dirichlet boundary condition (bcNflag=0);
  • gradient of the variable for Neumann boundary condition (bcNflag=1).

Definition at line 208 of file parameters_2d.f90.

type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::bcs

bcS&flag defines the south boundary condition:

  • bcSflag = 0 => Dirichlet boundary condition;
  • bcSflag = 1 => Neumann boundary condition.

bcSvalue is the value of the bottom boundary condition:

  • value of the variable for Dirichlet boundary condition (bcSflag=0);
  • gradient of the variable for Neumann boundary condition (bcSflag=1).

Definition at line 198 of file parameters_2d.f90.

type(bc), dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::bcw

bcW&flag defines the west boundary condition:

  • bcWflag = 0 => Dirichlet boundary condition;
  • bcWflag = 1 => Neumann boundary condition.

bcLWvalue is the value of the left boundary condition:

  • value of the variable for Dirichlet boundary condition (bcWflag=0);
  • gradient of the variable for Neumann boundary condition (bcWflag=1).

Definition at line 178 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::cfl

Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy parameter.

Definition at line 18 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::collapsing_volume_flag

Definition at line 86 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::dt0

Initial time step.

Definition at line 14 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::dt_output

time interval for the output of the solution

Definition at line 157 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::energy_flag

Flag to choose the equation for temperature to solve.

  • T => solve the full energy equation
  • F => solve for a simpler transport equation (advection) for temperature

Definition at line 47 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::eps_newton

threshold for the convergence of the Newton's method

Definition at line 11 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::eps_sing

parameter for desingularization

Definition at line 20 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::gas_flag

Definition at line 69 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::h_collapse

Definition at line 92 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::h_source

Definition at line 80 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::interfaces_relaxation

Flag to add the relaxation terms after the linear reconstruction:

  • T => evaluate the relaxation terms
  • F => reconstruction without the relaxation

Definition at line 28 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer, dimension(10) parameters_2d::limiter = -1

Limiter for the slope in the linear reconstruction:

  • 'none' => no limiter (constant value);
  • 'minmod' => minmod slope;
  • 'superbee' => superbee limiter (Roe, 1985);
  • 'van_leer' => monotonized central-difference limiter (van Leer, 1977)

Definition at line 144 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::liquid_flag

Definition at line 67 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::max_dt

Largest time step allowed.

Definition at line 16 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer, parameter parameters_2d::max_nl_iter = 100

Definition at line 133 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::n_eqns

Number of equations.

Definition at line 125 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::n_nh

Number of non-hyperbolic terms.

Definition at line 129 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::n_rk

Runge-Kutta order.

Definition at line 131 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::n_solid

Number of solid classes.

Definition at line 127 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::n_vars

Number of conservative variables.

Definition at line 124 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::r_collapse

Definition at line 90 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::r_source

Definition at line 77 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::radial_source_flag

Definition at line 73 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::reconstr_coeff

Slope coefficient in the linear reconstruction.

Definition at line 22 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::released_volume

Initial volume of the flow.

Definition at line 98 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::rheology_flag

Flag to choose if we add the rheology.

  • T => rheology activated
  • F => no rheology

Definition at line 59 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::rheology_model

choice of the rheology model

  • 1 => Voellmy-Salm rheology
  • 2 => plastic rheology

Definition at line 65 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::riemann_flag

Flag to choose the sort of problem to solve.

  • T => riemann problem
  • F => generic initial conditions (uploaded through functions, to be defined in inpout_2d.f90)

Definition at line 53 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(:), allocatable parameters_2d::sed_vol_perc

Definition at line 122 of file parameters_2d.f90.

character(len=20) parameters_2d::solver_scheme

Finite volume method:

  • 'LxF' => lax-friedrichs scheme;
  • 'GFORCE ' => gforce scheme;
  • 'KT' => Kurganov and Tadmor semidiscrete scheme;

Definition at line 151 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_collapse

Definition at line 91 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_end

end time for the run

Definition at line 155 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_init

Initial temperature of the pile of material.

Definition at line 117 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_output

time of the next output

Definition at line 156 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_runout

time of the next runout output

Definition at line 158 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_source

Definition at line 79 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_start

initial time for the run

Definition at line 154 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::t_steady

end time when reached steady solution

Definition at line 159 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::theta

Van Leer limiter parameter.

Definition at line 153 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, dimension(4) parameters_2d::time_param

Definition at line 83 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, parameter parameters_2d::tol_abs = 1.D-5

Definition at line 135 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8, parameter parameters_2d::tol_rel = 1.D-5

Definition at line 136 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::topo_change_flag

Definition at line 71 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::topography_demfile

Flag for uploading topography from a different file (topography_dem.asc)

  • T => from dem
  • F => from points in file.inp

Definition at line 40 of file parameters_2d.f90.

logical parameters_2d::topography_function_flag

Flag to choose in which way we upload the topography.

  • T => through a function
  • F => through points

Definition at line 34 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::vel_source

Definition at line 78 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::velocity_ang_release

Initial velocity direction (angle in degree):

  • >=0 => departing from positive x-axis
  • <0 => departign from maximum slope direction

Definition at line 114 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::velocity_mod_release

Initial velocity module of the pile.

Definition at line 107 of file parameters_2d.f90.

integer parameters_2d::verbose_level

Definition at line 161 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::x_collapse

Definition at line 88 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::x_release

Initial x-coordiante of the pile.

Definition at line 101 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::x_source

Definition at line 75 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::y_collapse

Definition at line 89 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::y_release

Initial y-coordinate of the pile.

Definition at line 104 of file parameters_2d.f90.

real*8 parameters_2d::y_source

Definition at line 76 of file parameters_2d.f90.